Fav wedding trends

The first thing I do with my spare time, is look up anything & all things wedding related. New trends, new dresses, new florals. Everything. When I was little I used to get on the computer, open up Microsoft Word & go to google. I would search up wedding dresses, bridesmaids, etc. on google, copy & paste the images into a word document & make my own little collection of wedding designs & color schemes. Obviously they were hideous because, 1st, Pinterest didn’t exist & 2nd, this was a phase in my life where I was trying to convince myself my favorite color is bright orange. Yep I said it. Bright orange. If you can’t tell I hate bright orange. Probably from this experience. But still, I believe with every fiber of my being that bright orange is the worst color invented. (No offense if that is your favorite color) Burnt orange on the other hand, *muah chef’s kiss. I also have a very specific taste. Whether it is popular or not, if I like it, I like it. So that brings us to this post. These are MY favorite wedding trends. Enjoy.

Unique Wedding Cakes

Okay I feel like this is the obvious 1st of my favorites list. There is absolutely nothing wrong with plain old simple cakes, even simple cakes with flowers. It looks beautiful, classic yet trendy. But if I went to a wedding & their cake had hand painted flowers, romantic style piping, or some kind of artistic design… I would fall head over heels in love. You can definitely still make a classic cake design unique. The number one way to do this is unique proportions! If you are doing a 2 tiered cake, make the bottom tier very tall and the top tier shorter. It will make it more interesting to look at (& to make). Another way to make your wedding cake stand out is don’t just have one. & this is not some scheme to make you buy more cakes to make me a millionaire. There is a good chance this will actually end up saving you some money. Instead of one huge 4 tiered cake, do 5 or 6 small tiered or single layer cakes with the same/different classic or unique designs.

mismatched bridesmaid dresses

Ahh! I love it! For my wedding I created a color scheme, gave some ideas of what I DON’T want, & let each of my bridesmaids choose their own color & dress. I did have them send me pictures way before the wedding date to confirm it matched the vibe I was going for. I loved how it got to show everyone’s personalities & everyone was comfortable & confident. I also made it very clear they will be purchasing their dress on their own with their own budget. I think this turned out adorable & I wouldn’t change a thing!

bar cart

I love how many different styles there are for these bar carts. I feel like it this is something that will never go out of style, but the way it is executed can definitely be a flop or win. I would opt out on the super trendy custom named drinks, but I would put together a list of a few favorite drinks & make a simple menu. That way you still have your favorite drinks, but it looks more elegant.

Film photography

THIS! I am absolutely obsessed with film photography. Do not get me wrong, I LOVE my digital wedding photos. However I do have some regrets not including film more in my reception. For my wedding we got legally married in the mountains & used film for the majority of all of our photos. I love how they turned out & how it made the images feel more candid. They give off a very nostalgic feel & give me the warm & fuzzy feelings all over again. A lot of photographers now will edit their digital photos to look more like film so when you are choosing a photographer you can specifically look for that, & still keep the convenience of digital.

Engagement photos at your first date location

I’m speechless. This was by far my most favorite thing we did for my wedding. It made our engagements even more special & makes my heart explode every time I look at our engagement photos. I am a sucker for all things sentimental.

color scheme Dress code for guests

This makes your wedding feel so elevated & your pictures will look AMAZING! This not something I did, but I WISH I did. This is a small detail for you to create & put on your invitations & requires hardly any effort on your end. The last thing you want is another huge task to add to your list. However, I can definitely see this getting out of hand quickly if you are too specific with your color scheme. Make sure to give guests wiggle room for different shades or colors. Ex: Neutral shades of pinks & tans.


Strawberry Nutella Sweet Rolls


Music To Bake To